Episode 18 – Tools for Anxiety

Get out your journal and pen and join us for our MotherHeart Circle discussion.  Rachael will lead the circle and has chosen the topic of tools for anxiety. 

What thoughts phrases or keywords come to your mind and heart as you ponder? Did something we said connect with what’s in your heart and mind? We think you’ll find our discussion relatable and helpful. 

We all can experience anxiety from time to time. This conversation offers some great suggestions on how to approach anxiety in healthy ways as we each have had to learn how to navigate times of great anxiety. Listening to our feelings is a great first step, removing judgements on those feelings can help us hear our feelings better, and creating a space for peace in our hearts were a few things that have helped us. 

Another important thing to be aware of in order to prevent anxiety in the first place is to know your limits. We as mothers can easily push beyond our limits of capability or energy which can tax us in the long run and fuel chronic anxiety. 

What did you think of this conversation? What tools have you found useful in dealing with anxiety? We’d love to hear from you! Join our MotherHeart Circle Facebook page to add your voice to the discussion. We’d love to know what’s on your heart and mind. Thank you for listening!

We love you, we hear you and you matter!

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