Welcome back for our April 2021 Book Club Discussion!
This month we chose to read books about gratitude: One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp and Thanks! By Robert Emmons. Listen in as Annamaria, Jenessa, Kiley, Rachael, Sherilee and Tanya discuss what they learned about gratitude.
Tanya began by sharing this beautiful excerpt by Ann Voskamp:
“Can there be a good God? A God who graces with good gifts when a crib lies empty through long nights, and bugs burrow through coffins? Where is God, really? How can He be good when babies die, and marriages implode, and dreams blow away, dust in the wind? Where is grace bestowed when cancer gnaws and loneliness aches and nameless places in us soundlessly die, break off without reason, erode away. Where hides this joy of the Lord, this God who fills the earth with good things, and how do I fully live when life is full of hurt? How do I wake up to joy and grace and beauty and all that is the fullest life when I must stay numb to losses and crushed dreams and all that empties me out?”
Sometimes even gratitude can feel a little bit toxic. How can we have gratitude even in the hard things?
We chose to each share one easy thing we are grateful for.
We also shared ways that we’ve used and approached gratitude that have helped us through difficult circumstances.
We have discovered that gratitude and faith go hand in hand.
Two key takeaways from our discussion were that gratitude helps us see how God is answering our prayers when we trust in Him; and gratitude is the way we can truly become one with the love of God.
What were your key takeaways? We’d love to learn from you! Join us on our MotherHeart Circle Facebook group and engage in the conversation!
We believe in you. We love you. Thank you for being you!