Get out your journal and pen and join us for our MotherHeart Circle discussion. What thoughts phrases or keywords come to your mind and heart as you ponder? For us, the phrase “Power of Choice” resonated strongly. Below are some of our thoughts:
Are you relating to our experience of feeling trapped, blockaded or isolated?
Does the word “Choose” fill you with energy and freedom or paralyzing fear?
We realize every choice comes with consequences, and it’s important that we practice dealing with possible unwanted consequences and being present with all our emotions.
Even when times are hard, we have power and hope because we can choose. Choosing is the opposite of being a victim. It is empowering.
Worry never does serve us. Trusting God alleviates those worries. Fear can become paralyzing if we are not choosing to be present. Trust that our Savior will provide that next stone for us to step on as we move forward.
Choice is such a beautiful gift. No matter what choice we make our Savior is there. Whatever the consequences are, He’s there to make it whole and complete and He will turn everything for our benefit.
We grow into our highest and best self as we make our own choices and learn and gain wisdom through those experiences.
Satan may use our fear of choice against us. He wants us to be afraid of choice because he doesn’t have choice. Trust that God provides for our every need.
We are like butterflies as we trust God to grow and to fly as we make our choices!
Did something we said connect with what’s in your heart and mind? Let us know what you think!
Join our MotherHeart Circle discussion on our group page and tell us in what ways you are practicing your power of choice.
We love you, we hear you, and you matter!